Friday, July 29, 2005

I Had A Dream....

Ahh, yes. Times are good. We have a wonderful President, the economy is good... spending on social programs has been reduced dramatically... not because they have been butchered, but because people are able to care for their own. Everybody has health care, prescription drugs, and all they need to use preventative medicine for their benefit. Prisons are being closed down across the country, as non-violent "criminals" have been freed, and people who are incarcerated for mental issues are in hospitals recieving the medical care they need. Corporations are held accountable for their actions, and the government is no longer on "Morality Patrol". Good times, indeed. Who, might you ask is President? Who consists of his Cabinet? Why, I'll tell you...

President: Kucinich
VP: Cynthia McKinney
Secretary of Agriculture: Willie Nelson
Secretary of Defense: Wesley Clark
Secretary of Education: Noam Chomsky
Secretary of Energy: Bill Maher
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Jocelyn Elders
Secretary of Homeland Security: POSITION ELIMINATED
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Rev. Al Sharpton
Secretary of the Interior: Nancy Pelosi
Secretary of Justice: Carl Levin, Sr.
Secretary of Labor: Michael Moore
Secretary of State: Barack Obama
Secretary of Transportation: Ralph Nader
Secretary of Treasury: Howard Dean
Secretary of Veteran's Affairs: John McCain

...and I think to myself.... What a wonderful world.
Huh? What? Oh, shit! I woke up!


At 7/31/2005 04:55:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

It is a dream indeed. You can't have it both ways: socialism and freedom are incompatable! There is no chance in hell that people will let their neighbors live their own lives, so long as they are forced to pay for their neighbors decisions!

How many times have you heard it?

Helmet and seatbelt laws? "Oh, the cost to society is so high if we let one of the poor dears hurt themselves".

Smoking restrictions? "We have to pay their medical bills, so we have a right to force them to live the way we want them to.

Restrictions on sex? "I don't wanna pay for the little bastards"

Let's face it: so long as we make someone else pay the price for the decisions we make, we will never have any kind of freedom.

At 8/02/2005 12:53:00 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Helmet and seatbelt laws are in place only because of lobbying from insurance companies.

Smoking restrictions, and bitching about cost are attibuted to the same offenders mentioned earlier.

Restrictions on sex are in place because we live in a Puritanistic society. The writings in a "best selling fiction work" dictate our legislation.

Take out the insurance companies. National Health Care!!!!

Take god out of our government.

Problem solved.

At 8/03/2005 01:54:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sure, insurance lobbies. As do the immoral minority, Greenpeace, the American Cancer Society.

The problem is, now that the judicial branch has stopped enforcing the constitution, if they can convince 51% of the population of something, that 51% can force the other 49% to do whatever they want. And they will.

Now here's a question. People think a single payer system is such a great idea. Why don't they just build one? You don't need the government, if nobody is being cheated: form a company (non-profit, of course), hire some doctors, find lots of people who want a single payer system and let the company be the single payer! What could be more fair? It's only a problem if you force people to join at gunpoint.


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